Frequently Asked Questions

Nourish is a meal delivery service designed to help new mothers recover from child

We choose local and organic ingredients whenever they are available, non GMO ingredients always. However, Nourish is not USDA certified organic.

Our one-time order Postpartum Meal Program starts at $305. Save 10% weekly if you opt for our six-week subscription when you order.

Nourish offers vegan and vegetarian options when you order, on the condition that the entire delivery follows the same restrictions and preferences. Due the small size of our culinary team we do not offer substitution in our menus which we craft each week.

The food is refrigerated during transit and packed in an insulated bag with an ice pack. It is important however to put your items in the fridge as soon as possible after delivery. If you have any concerns, please, contact us at nourishnewmama@gmail.com

We currently deliver within a 10 mile radius of Lee, MA for free.
Check our delivery rates anywhere else in Berkshire County, MA.
We are currently unable to deliver across state lines but are working diligently on expending our delivery radius.

Yes, you or someone of your choosing needs to be home to receive the food and ensure that it gets refrigerated ASAP.

Yes, all meals are safe and nutritious for everyone in your family.
While snacks and broths are made specifically for postpartum needs, feel free to share.
You can also order additional meals at a discount - $22/meal only - for up to 3 of your family members. Add-ons will be delivered along with your main order.

Please email us. We are working towards supporting parents and families on SNAP/WIC. Everyone needs and deserves good nutrition.