Our Six Week Postpartum Program

Our Six Week Postpartum Program

Gentle and nurturing care for the new mother is essential to postpartum healing.

In today’s world however, as new mothers, we often lack a strong tribe to provide us with the support needed postpartum. As we continue to fulfill our obligations and care for others, we forget ourselves.

We offer a customizable postpartum meal service for new mothers and their family.

Our program ensures that you get the powerful and nutritious foods your body needs to recover from childbirth, thrive postpartum and settle into early motherhood with a little more ease.

All of our ingredients are of the highest quality and free of GMOs. 

Each order provides the new mother with four days/week of nutritious  foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner along with snacks, bone broths and beverages.

Long term subscriptions and additional meals for family members are available. 

Ingredients are seasonal and locally sourced whenever possible.